– Mr Law Hock Ling (Principal Consultant of Brainflex Academic Studio)

We are a centre of academic excellence that aims to ‘flex’ the thinking muscles of each and every learner to help them achieve their maximum academic potential.Highly passionate and experienced tutors many of whom are ex and current school teachers with good track records, well versed in both the IP and mainstream school syllabus.

Rich repertoire of pedagogical skills ranging from Curriculum Differentiation (CD) to Understanding by Design (UbD) to cater to the learning needs of different learners.

Comprehensive notes and worksheets.

Small class size for a more personalized learning environment.

Customised topical classes for students who only need help in a particular topic of the subject.

1-1 individual lessons are also available.


Half day workshop for Science researchers from NUH (National University Hospital) on ‘Experimental design and statistics’.

Full day workshop for 25 teachers from various schools in the west of Singapore on ‘Ecological Studies and Data Analysis’.

Three days training for the students from Hwa Chong Institutiton on ‘Advance Statistics and Science Research’.

Two days in-house training for teachers from Hwa Chong Institution on ‘The use of inferential statistics for data analyses’.


A talk on ‘The Marine Environment of Singapore’ to a group of employers and their children from Hitachi Singapore Pte Ltd.

Mentored a student research project at Peirce Secondary School and won the most innovative science research project award at the 2010 Shell Youth Science Festival organised by Shell Pte Ltd and MOE.

Conducted a workshop for 40 students from River Valley High School on ‘Data Analyses in Science Research’.


Conducted a 3-day marine biology workshop for 30 primary school students from Rosyth, Henry Park, Nanyang and St Hilda’s primary schools in 2009

Conducted a 3-day marine biology workshop for 30 primary school students from Rosyth, Henry Park, Nanyang and St Hilda’s primary schools in 2008

Conducted a zoology course at Nanyang Primary School for 40 primary school students organized by RI and the MOE Gifted Education Branch in 2008

‘How to conduct ecological studies for our gifted learners’ at the 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Giftedness organized by MOE in 2008

Represented Singapore in the first SWAP project (Sister Wetlands Affiliation Programme) organized by NParks in 2008 which was held in Hong Kong with the research project ‘Ecological correlates on a mudflat in Sungei Buloh’.


Gold Awards at the Youth Science Festival organized by MOE in 2008

Conducted a 3-day marine biology workshop for 30 primary school students from Rosyth, Henry Park, Nanyang and St Hilda’s primary schools in 2007

‘Scientific research education’ at YPPI school, Surabaya (Indonesia) in 2007


Gold Awards at the Youth Science Festival organized by MOE in 2008

‘Environmental Studies’ at Piaget International School in Medan (Indonesia) in 2006

Represented Singapore and won the Best Presentation Award at the 2006 ‘Fifth Regional Congress: Search for SEAMEO Young Scientists (SSYS)’ organized by the South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), held in Penang (Malaysia) with the research project ‘A study on the distribution patterns of two species of limpets, Patellioda saccharinoides and Siphonaria guamensis on a man-made pillar at Labraodor Beach, Singapore.


Gold Awards at the Youth Science Festival organized by MOE in 2006


Gold Awards at the Youth Science Festival organized by MOE in 2005.